11 days to go!

During this campaign, I’ve had the great opportunity to chat with many MAD fans, young and old,  and from around the world – everyone telling me that this is a really cool project and they are excited to see it’s completion. People with direct ties to MAD have approached me with a desire to talk of their love for MAD. I’ve gotten to hear so many stories from people who fondly recall MAD as a part of their childhood. Fo so many, MAD was a great moment of youth captured and bundled into 48 pages of fun.

There is no doubt in my mind that there are enough people out there to support this project even beyond my goals. So that can only mean one thing – I haven’t found enough ways to reach those people. I’ve got a publicist working on drawing more national attention to us – and hopefully we can pull it all together in the 11 days remaining.

In the meantime, I’ve been running a few numbers – and it so happens that we currently have 177 backers and need about $35,000 to reach the goal. If my math is correct (and that is highly suspect), if each current backer was able to get just 8 more friends/family to contribute $25 – we’d reach the goal. Now, I’ve been suckered in to those “get 5 friends to sign up for such and such and get a free iPod” (true story) It’s a pain and also rather off putting to ask your friends to commit to something for your own benefit – but maybe this is a little different in that each $25 contribution does get a DVD of the finished film. I’ll just throw that out there and see where the wind carries it…

Thank you for your continued support and… wish us luck!




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