Who’s worthy?

We’re putting together our grand wish-list of those who we think have been influenced by reading MAD Magazine. We have no proof of MAD’s effect on them, we’re just playing a hunch. From there, we’d like to pursue and interview with them.
So let’s throw it out there – tell us who you think may claim to be tainted by MAD-ness, and why you think they would be a good interview. Those not associated with MAD – entertainers, politicians, convicts… No book reports, just a few lines supporting your theory.



12 Replies to “Who’s worthy?”

  1. Susan Olsen from “The Brady Bunch” mentioned always being a fan and wanting to grow up to write for MAD…. Seth MacFarlane makes numerous references on his shows towards MAD….. Dan Schneider I would assume was influenced by MAD….. Stan Lee could be a possibility, although I’ve heard him mention both that MAD influenced him and that MAD may have been influenced by him…. Donald Knuth should be a must. He doesn’t seem at all to have been influenced by MAD, but his article in Stanford magazine states: “By the year’s end, he was the math major with the highest GPA in his class. Knuth published two scientific papers as an undergraduate, not counting his debut article that devised a system of weights and measures for Mad magazine. (Basic unit of force: the whatmeworry.)” PLUS he lists his article in MAD on his resume (see page 16) http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~uno/vita.pdf

  2. Others:
    -Artist Ron Marlett, creator of Ensign Bafflestir, has mentioned MAD as an influence, specifically Don Martin’s work.
    -P. J. O’Rourke mentioned in an interview on Mad Mumblings his influence by MAD… (http://www.madmumblings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=300&sid=4a074a936f647b69f1faf72f26d9cd24)
    -Movie poster artist Bob Masse
    -Bob Penuelas, creator of Wilbur Kookmeyer, Mark Parisi, creator of Off The Mark, Peter Saul and Jeff Nicholson, are all artists who claimed to have been influenced by MAD.
    -Former Community writer, current Modern Family writer, Megan Ganz was influenced by MAD and at one time interned there.
    -Roger Ebert could be a good one, considering his piece in “Mad About The Movies”.
    -Ed Subitzky supposedly used to read MAD and was influenced by Kurtzman.
    -Tommy Ramone was quoted as saying, “we were influenced by comic books, movies, the Andy Warhol scene, and avant-garde films. I was a big Mad Magazine fan myself.” So that could be interesting…

  3. Just remembered Stephen Colbert would be an excellent person to consider, not only due to his style of humor, but also because of the fantastic Jaffee 90th birthday tribute he did on his show! Perhaps you could acquire the rights to use footage from that episode as well?

  4. Met Larry Manetti and Roger E. Mosley from Magnum PI today, both fans who mentioned knowing they’d made it when they were in a MAD cartoon. Then Bruce Glover mentioned finding a box this past week full of old MADs in his house that belonged to his son. He then proceeded to explain what a big MAD fan Crispin was as a kid… That being said, Crispin Glover should definitely be considered. I knew he had a sense of humor, but never would’ve expected him to be a huge MAD fan growing up.

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